Thursday, April 28, 2011

No. 9: Российская Федерация

 Our country synthesis project was done on the Russian Federation (which is in the title... in Russian.. hehe), the largest country in the world. There's not too much you can say about Russia, unless you'd like me just to attach my synthesis project here. Pretty much: the Federation is fairly new, at a little over 19 years old, it's only had three Presidents, Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin, and Dmitry Medvedev (I'm angered that Google Chrome hasn't entered his name into the autocorrect database yet). Anyway, if they can fight the poverty and economic disparity that seems to ravage the post-USSR Russia, I believe that Russia has the tools to one day emerge as a world power, again. I mean, they do have like 17 million square kilometers of land, and are the number one exporter and producer of crude oil (our graduate student group member did not know this... and she think's I'm a tard). Да здравствует Россия

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