Thursday, April 28, 2011

No. 7: Super Troopers of the World

  This debate I almost could not hold back rage to express how much I did not want to participate in it, due to our placement as the "anti-US" con side. Pretty much we argued that the US was stingy, acted as the world police, and was just generally not being very nice. Boo-freaking-who. The pro side argued exactly what I wanted to scream at the audience, which was: The US gives more money in foreign aid than any other country in the world, and we provide support to smaller, more defenseless countries who are in need. Personally, if countries like Haiti don't want our help, then we won't. Imagine what would happen then. Go ahead and think about what the global map would look like if the US wasn't so proactive in world politics. Not so pretty now, huh?

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